FAQ Section
• This section is designed to answer many new user questions. If you experience an issue, try checking out this section first to see if it’s easily solved!
Stick Notation Entry Guide
• This section focuses on how to create stick notation utilizing iRetrieval’s pre-packaged Kodaly font and a word processing program such as Microsoft Word. The best way to enter notation pictures is to create them in a notation program such as Sibelius or Finale, but this gives users an alternative way if they do note have these programs. There are so many different ways that we hear about users doing this, but this guide will get you started on one of those methods to do this.
Search Guides
• Searching tops the list as the most important feature of iRetrieval. This section will walk you through many basic through advanced search techniques to help users familiarize themselves with the searching process. This site can be used in accordance with several of the video tutorials that are also on the website.
Program Documentation
• This section outlines our current user’s guide and installation ReadMe file. This section will be undergoing a major revision soon as the program has changed so much over the last few years to better serve our users.